Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Wrong Way!


I was recently graciously invited to comtribute (after shamelessly begging for it, so thanks!). I figure that people are goofy at my gym, too, and I wanted to share. The most common odd thing I see is people using the equipment incorrectly. There's a machine that you sit on and do (basically) chest presses. There's a foot lever thing that allows you to disengage the arm at the end. I'm not sure that makes sense, but whatever. Anyway, the idea is to use resistance, do it slowly, and do a number of repititions. So what do I see? Guys get on, set it to its maximum weight, then turn purple trying to push it out ONCE, lifting their booties off the seat, and finally using the foot bar as the weights (which have lifted like half an inch) crash to the bottom. Then there are the ladies who are in their fifties or so who get on the same machine, set it to five pounds, and push it back and forth so rapidly that it creates a wind. Has no one heard of moderation?

Also, please note that I am not poking fun at the anorectic girl's disorder, because that's just sad. What I AM poking fun at is that after working out (running on the treadmill for two hours apparently does not burn enough calories unless she also waves her arms above her head) she then drags her 5'10" 90 lb self into the locker room, strips to her shorts, and does a number of stretches barefoot and topless that involve her putting her bare feet on the counter at which most other women fix their hair. Why does the stretching need to be done in the grooming area? I don't know. Why does the stretching need to be done mostly naked? I also don't know. What I do know is that I'm not leaning on that counter anymore...


Anonymous said...

Count, ain't no shameful begging involved here. Rather, I should be the one ashamed at not asking you to be part of the Stairmasters gang from the get go. You are only one of my favorite bloggers...


Anonymous said...

Also, that is utterly disgusting. I had no idea that People Under the Stairmasters would unearth so many gross stories. I should have known better...